Trowbridge Falls Campground is nestled in the whispering woods beside the cascading rapids of the Current River. The campground features a park, hiking trails, biking trails and access to popular swimming and wading spots on the river. Located adjacent to Kinsmen Park where all of the 40 Miner festivities will be makes this the perfect location to stay for the weekend. The campsite can be selected for booking during the registration process. If you have already registered and wish to add camping, please contact [email protected] as sites are on a first come basis.
Please review the map prior to booking: Trowbridge Falls Campground
- Washrooms and showers
- Laundry facility
- Pump-out station
- Firewood and ice are available at the main campground office for purchase
The following rates will be charged during your registration for the race, and only registered racers and their families can be onsite camping. No camping for individuals not associated with the festival. Guests must stay for two nights; Friday September 9th and Saturday September 10th.
Power and Water: $112
Power (15A) only: $96
Non-Service Site (Tent Only): $82
Section B has 15A power only
Section C (Lower) 1-25 has 30A RV outlet and water
Section D 1-5 & 14 has 30A RV outlet and water
Section D 25-29 has 50A RV outlet and water
The remaining sites have no services. For more information please contact [email protected]
The City of Thunder Bay is dedicated to promoting a safe and quiet camping environment for families and campers are asked to follow the campground rules:
- Must be 18 years of age and have a credit card (Visa/MasterCard) to reserve a site
- Check in time is 3 -8 pm Friday, September 9th.
- Check-out time is 12 noon Sunday, September 11th.
- Campers must check-out at office before leaving the campground.
- Radios and stereos are allowed, but the volume must not bother neighbours
- Any person found destroying park property or breaking park rules will be evicted without refund; costs of any damage will be assessed and charged
- Moves between sites are not permitted without campground office approval
- One vehicle is included with a campsite parking permit, and will not be allowed to leave or return between 8am-5pm Saturday, September 10th.
- Where space permits, the camper will be are allowed one piece of shelter equipment plus one dining shelter/tarp on your campsite. Only one piece of shelter equipment is permitted per site: this can be a tent trailer, house trailer, motor home, self-propelled camping unit, or tent.
- Only one table per site
- Fireworks are prohibited
- Unnecessary noise, disturbance or other offensive behaviour will result in immediate eviction and/or police action. This unnecessary behaviour could result in permanent banishment from all City of Thunder Bay campgrounds.
- We ask that children are accompanied to the washroom and shower facilities
- A maximum of six people are allowed per site, including visitors, unless all individuals comprise a single family of parents and their children
- Quiet time in the campground begins at 10 pm to 8 am
- Only registered campers are allowed on campsites after 10 pm
- Guest parking is provided in the main parking lot, but is not allowed at the campsite
- To protect the park’s natural resources, we ask that campers do not remove damage or deface natural objects such as plants, trees, and rock formations
- Cutting live vegetation is strictly prohibited
Fires and Firewood
- Campers must build campfires only in designated areas
- Campers may not damage or remove any vegetation, dead or alive, from the campsite to use as firewood
- Camper may not build fires on grass
- We ask that campers not bring outside firewood, as this can spread invasive species
- We ask for small fires only; campfires should not exceed one metre in height, and be no wider than the campfire pit allows
- Campfires must be attended at all times
- We ask campers to make sure your campfire is out out before walking away from it
- To prevent unwanted wildlife (raccoons, bears, wolves, etc.) from visiting the campground, we ask that campers keep their campsite clean at all times
- Garbage can be disposed in the centrally located garbage bins. Plastic bottles, pop cans, and glass can be recycled separately. Garbage should not be left on at campsites overnight.
Mechanized Travel
- The use of all-terrain vehicles or mini-bikes is strictly prohibited at Trowbridge Park Campground.
Alcoholic Beverages
- Only those of legal age (19 or older) may be in the possession of alcoholic beverages.
- Open liquor is only permitted on a campsite with a valid registration and is prohibited in all public areas including trails, beaches and waterways
Dogs and cats are allowed at Trowbridge Park Campground; however, pets must be controlled by their owners, and must not disturb other campers. If a pet is too vocal, the camper will be asked to find other accommodations.
Aggressive dogs are a hazard to other campers; owners of such pets will be asked to leave the campground.
All pets must be kept on leashes no longer than six feet when outside their owners’ vehicles or campsites. Please do not leave a tethered dog unattended.
Pet owners must ensure that their pets not to make excessive noise or disturb others. Excessive noise from a barking dog which disturbs fellow campers will be considered a violation and a warning issued. If multiple warnings are issued, the camper must leave the campsite and will not be issued a refund for any unused days.
Pets may not be left alone on campsites. This will be considered a violation and a warning issued. If multiple warnings are issued, the camper must leave the campsite and will not be issued a refund for any unused days.
Pets are not permitted to cause injury, including damaging the parks natural setting.
Pet owners are required to properly dispose of pet waste. Pet owners can be a charged a fee if failing to pick up after their pets.
Pet food should be stored safely, so that it does not attract unwanted wildlife
Pets are not allowed to enter the washroom/shower facilities